From the rap-game to the writing game
I was 18 when I first began writing raps, after my appreciation for UK hip-hop couldn't be contained by simply listening to it anymore. As time went on and numerous shows passed, I began to grow impatient and frustrated due to the fact I hadn't yet "made it." I realize now that these feelings were due to being unable to fully appreciate the journey through remaining present.
We have ideas in our minds of certain levels of success we want to attain, thinking we'll be happier if our life is exactly how we envision it to be. This type of thinking can not only hinder us by slowing our natural progression, but also stifle our creativity as our attention is focused on an end result, rather than being in the present. This didn't strike me until I (age 23) went alone to Australia for a few months. Away from the music and the studio which was like my second home, it struck me that what I missed and enjoyed the most was the simple act of sitting down and writing for the sake of it, with no expectations. Just the pure enjoyment of putting pen to page. I felt as though I grew out of old writing patterns, and a new side to my writing began showing itself in the form of poetry and spoken word.
I returned home (both literally and metaphorically) with a new outlook on writing and life in general. I had come to the conclusion that if we just listen to that subtle intelligence our body has to offer, through calming our hectic day-to-day minds, life will flow with a greater clarity and effortlessness. It's been a year since I went to Oz and I've recently returned home from another trip to the States. I now find myself writing more reflective thoughts from experiences and what I believe to be pure truth, for that's all there really is. Finding your inner truth is essential for contentment and only achieved when searching is stopped. Headspace is a tool that has changed my life and I recommend to anyone. It's made easy and takes a mere ten minutes a day. I implore anyone reading this to spare a little time for a lot of space.
It struck me that what I missed and enjoyed the most was the simple act of sitting down and writing for the sake of it.
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