Learn the Basics of Meditation
Live happier and healthier by learning the fundamentals of meditation and mindfulness.
Try 14 days freeBetter mental health starts with Headspace. Unrivaled expertise to make life feel a little easier, using guided meditations, mindfulness tips, focus tools, sleep support, and dedicated programs.

Hi, over the next 10 sessions, I'm gonna show you a really simple way of getting some more headspace in your life. Don't worry if you've never done anything like this before. This is a really straightforward technique, and I'm gonna talk you through every step of the way. But all you need to do right now is to sit back and relax, so make sure that you're sitting comfortably. I'd actually like you to begin with your eyes open. And just taking a big, deep breath, breathing in through the nose and out through the mouth. As you breathe in, just feeling the lungs expand as they fill with air. And as you breathe out, just feeling the body soften a little bit as you gently close the eyes. And you can just allow the breath to return to its natural rhythm, in and out of the nose. And as you pause for a moment, just noticing the feeling of the body, the weight of the body pressing down against the seat beneath you, contact of the feet on the floor, the hands and the arms on the legs, noticing any sounds around you. And as you pause, just noticing how the body feels, starting to notice how the body's breathing, that movement of breath in the body. So some people feel it in the stomach, for others it's in the chest or around the diaphragm, not breathing in any special way. We're just starting to notice that rising and falling sensation. If you can't feel anything, just gently placing your hand on the stomach. Now, as you follow that movement, the mind will wander away almost inevitably. No problem if it does, perfectly natural. But as soon as you realize it's wandered, just acknowledging that, letting it go, and just coming back again to that rising and falling sensation. And then just from a moment now letting go of any focus on the breath, just letting the mind do whatever it wants, just for a few seconds. If it wants to think, let it think. And then bringing the attention back to the body, back to that feeling of contact, back to any sounds around you. And you can just gently open your eyes in your own time. So how does it feel having taken a few minutes out of the day? Does the body feel any different? Does the mind feel any different? Don't worry if there's still lots of thoughts running around. That's perfectly normal. Remember this is a skill we're learning, and it takes a little bit of time. But before you do jump up, before you get on with things, just take a few moments just to appreciate that feeling, to really acknowledge what it's like to take some time out, to allow the body and the mind to unwind. And I'll look forward to seeing you back here soon for session two....
About your teachers
- More about Andy
A former Buddhist monk, Andy has guided people in meditation and mindfulness for 20 years. In his mission to make these practices accessible to all, he co-created the Headspace app in 2010.
- More about Eve
Eve is a mindfulness teacher, overseeing Headspace’s meditation curriculum. She is passionate about sharing meditation to help others feel less stressed and experience more compassion in their lives.
- More about Dora
As a meditation teacher, Dora encourages others to live, breathe, and be with the fullness of their experiences. She loves meditation’s power to create community and bring clarity to people’s minds.
- More about Kessonga
Kessonga has been an acupuncturists, therapist, and meditation teacher, working to bring mindfulness to the diverse populations of the world.
- More about Rosie
Rosie Acosta has studied yoga and mindfulness for more than 20 years and taught for over a decade. Rosie’s mission is to help others overcome adversity and experience radical love.
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Your app brings so much peace and tolerance to our home.

Changing my thoughts has allowed me to change my life.

The stress and loneliness courses … taught me how to comfort myself.

Headspace provides me with … a connection to myself, and a disconnection from negative thoughts, feelings, and sensations.

Related to 'Basics'
Frequently asked questions
When we first learn to meditate, there really is no “how to meditate properly” guide because there is no fixed method. Our recommendation is to find a quiet space, sit on the floor or a hard-backed chair, and adopt a comfortable posture where you can feel relaxed without feeling sleepy. You then close your eyes, take some slow, long, inhales and exhales to anchor yourself in the moment, and then simply follow the natural rhythm of your breath. It is the breath that becomes your object of focus. Each time you are distracted by a thought, or the mind wanders into imagination, you notice that wandering and return your attention to the breath. It’s as simple as that. Rinse and repeat every time … and that’s how your awareness grows.
Beginners start meditating by usually going to a beginners’ class or, more commonly these days, using a meditation app. At Headspace, we always encourage beginners to learn to meditate with the Basics course so they become familiar with the practice, approach, and teachings. This way, you learn the ropes — the basics — in your own time, using a teacher as your step by step guide. The Basics course is also a good way to set the foundations for your meditation practice.
These days, there seems to be only one answer to the question “Where can I learn to meditate?” Millions of people the world over are turning to apps like Headspace because it’s like having a meditation teacher in your pocket, available 24/7, working to your schedule. Of course, local classes and personal tuition are other options but, even then, an app like Headspace allows you to practice in between classes/sessions to hone your skills.
Anyone can learn to meditate on their own — that’s why Headspace was first created, to provide guided meditations from experienced teachers, allowing members to practice in private, in their own time, in their own place, using only their smartphone.
When people ask “Why learn to meditate?”, the answer can be found in the science. Meditation has been shown to reduce stress and everyday anxiety symptoms while improving focus, resilience, and compassion. By focusing on one thing — the breath — you are teaching yourself to focus in real life on one thing, be that a person, a conversation, a task, or a project. So not only are you learning a new life skill that will get you noticed for your presence, you are cultivating more calm, clarity, focus, strength of mind, and kindness … and who wouldn’t want a little more of all that? It’s why Headspace members often start with the Basics course, learning to meditate for as little as 10 minutes a day.
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