Follow the Breath
Experiencing racing thoughts? Use this exercise to ground yourself in the moment by following your breath and moving out of the mind and into the body.
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(birds chirping) Hi, this is Dora. Today, we'll be trying a grounding technique to help settle your mind and body, and rediscover a sense of balance whenever you need it most. So sometimes you might find yourself feeling overwhelmed with thoughts, and no matter how hard you try to acknowledge them, and let them go, those anxious thoughts persist. Something that's helpful in these moments is to focus on the breath, really connecting to the sensation of the breath and following it through your body. By doing this, you're able to move out of your mind and into your body. And naturally, you're putting distance between those thoughts, and giving your mind the space it needs, and the room to be fully present in the moment. Start by sitting in a comfortable position. Feet firmly planted on the ground. Gently closing the eyes if you'd like, and slowly inhaling in through the nose. Feeling the body rise and noticing where the breath begins and where it ends. Slowly exhaling, feeling the body soften. The stomach and chest gently falling as the air flows out through your mouth. Resting the focus on the sensation of the breath in the body. And repeating this process as long as you need to. With each breath, settling into a sense of calm and clarity. You can always come back to this whenever you need to reconnect to a sense of groundedness, or reconnect with your environment and surroundings. Thank you for watching. Have a healthy, happy day....
About your teachers
- More about Andy
A former Buddhist monk, Andy has guided people in meditation and mindfulness for 20 years. In his mission to make these practices accessible to all, he co-created the Headspace app in 2010.
- More about Eve
Eve is a mindfulness teacher, overseeing Headspace’s meditation curriculum. She is passionate about sharing meditation to help others feel less stressed and experience more compassion in their lives.
- More about Dora
As a meditation teacher, Dora encourages others to live, breathe, and be with the fullness of their experiences. She loves meditation’s power to create community and bring clarity to people’s minds.
- More about Kessonga
Kessonga has been an acupuncturists, therapist, and meditation teacher, working to bring mindfulness to the diverse populations of the world.
- More about Rosie
Rosie Acosta has studied yoga and mindfulness for more than 20 years and taught for over a decade. Rosie’s mission is to help others overcome adversity and experience radical love.
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